Moving Pictures

As we all know, scientist have devised a method of presenting a picturesque likeness of people and things in the physical world on a flat, two-dimensional surface. We have all seen examples of this in exhibitions and illustrated magazines. A further development of this wondrous technology makes possible the projection of such likenesses onto a remote surface through the use of a powerful light source. 

When several such images are presented to the viewer in quick succession, the illusion is created of the subjects depicted being set in motion. They suddenly seem to be walking about, talking, gyrating, gesticulating, fornicating and acting silly. It's all deception, of course, but one that promises new forms of expression, new ways of disseminating information and announcements for the betterment of mankind. 

Ever on the frontline of artistic expression and technology, The Society has seen it fit to produce a number of specimens of this new art form that we have chosen to call "moving-image-assemblage". In an attempt to approach the ideal of the wagnerian Gesamtskunstwerk, a further component has been added to the mix: synchronized sound. This has the effect of highlighting emotions and clarifying the intent of the protagonists in the otherwise tumultuous and disorienting goings-on in the animated vignettes.

Sounds have been collected by our team of trained sound persons and passed on to our prominent orchestra, The Exploding Breakfast Society. In the studio facilities of the orchestra, the sounds have been organised for the purposes of producing rhythmic accompaniment to the images in a "psychotronic" vein. 

Below are a number of the various music-and-moving-image-assemblages our creative team arrived at after months of restless creation and experimentation. 

An Important Message from The Society

The first informational bulletin in audiovisual form produced by The Society was a declaration of intent outlining the general purpose of the organisation, followed by an amusing preview of the first long-playing record by The Exploding Breakfast Society. 

The Future

A speculative piece, expressing elaborate but quite unfounded guesswork regarding potential future activities of the band. The band have announced their intent to prove this film wrong on every single account within the coming year. That would include playing live on stage and making appearances on various disreputable television shows!


A short narrative extemporisation set to music by that expert troupe of minstrels called The Exploding Breakfast Society. The whole thing is performed on camera by actors rather than musicians. Some human, some not. 

The Making of Menagerie (the music video)

A documentary that illuminates the hitherto murky conception of that widely celebrated musical short called Menagerie. Some of the facts dug up in this exposé may contradict other tellings of events, and some parts are clearly made up to amuse the director, but the film does raise interesting questions about the human condition and the fragility of our faculties of reminiscence. It's mostly made up!

The Candyfloss Debate 

This short musical fantasy is set in an imaginary landscape populated not by living forms, but by geometric shapes and spectral, translucent spirit beings floating against a backdrop of imaginatively coloured scenery. The music is a lightweight and quite inane piece of fluff called The Candyfloss Debate. Previously thought to be an ironic statement, it can here be revealed that the song really is performed by the band in earnest, with a mind to win over the hearts and coins of the younger set. 

Arts and Sciences

An album designed to be experienced with more than one of our fourteen senses! You can listen to the music, but if you close your eyes you are rather missing the point of this multimedia extravaganza. To fully immerse yourself in the world that is Arts and Sciences you need to watch the longform video of the same name.

If you wish to ingest the individual videos one by one, perhaps after having watched the whole thing several times and wanting to write down the recipe for that strangely alluring fish-and-potato dish being prepared in one of the videos, you are able to access them via this handy playlist.


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